Saturday, August 6, 2011

BORN THIS WAY Album Sales of ITS's Tenth Week!

Yesterday at 20:57 | john |  news
Lady GaGa album "Born This Way" with the world last week by Mediatraffic sold over 113,000 copies. In the UK the album reached the # 7 and according to the official UK album charts with the album BTW sold for the tenth week selling around 10,244 copies. The total number of copies sold this week in the UK exceeded 500 665 copies. Alba still missing and 100 000 copies will be 2x platinum, I believe that this status will soon. Previous "The Fame" was 7x platinum in the UK and sold it to over 2.6 million copies.

In the U.S. ended the album "Born This Way" at # 11 and last week it sold about 24,213 copies. Overall, the album is platinum in the U.S. yet again and the total number of copies sold is 1646 432nd According to recent information, however, next week will be an album at the location a little higher, because the U.S. had GaGa great promo.

In France, the album is at # 16 and make sales in the last week around 4000 copies altogether 126,060 copies. In the Czech Republic's album # 6, but the number of copies sold so far unknown.

As I wrote, so according Mediatraffic the album Born This Way in just 10 weeks, worldwide sold over 3,929,000 copies, but officially selling album climbs to 6,000,000 copies, an amazing number. This published figure of Universal Music, adding that sales in Japan is approaching in the U.S., which was the highest so far. Even if not sold as many albums as well as the album "Born This Way" one of the most successful albums of the year 2011, according to official reports since the summer very few albums, whose sales surpassed one million and it is no secret that those best albums this year was Born This Way by Lady Gaga and 21 from Adele.

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