Thursday, August 18, 2011

Critics for the New First Lady GaGa's video "You and I"!

About the new Lady Gaga video, "You And I" is now on the web diaries really busy. At this moment there are over 190 of the video message, written by various information sites such as CNN or The Sun. Subtitles are varied - from 'sex with mermaid "to" Lady Gaga mermaid with this way. " Videos surprised, shocked and definitely excited. Premiere video was originally on the night from Thursday to Friday on MTV, because tens of leaked images from the video but decided GaGa publish video yesterday evening. Video for the single "You And I" made ​​the team Haus Of Gaga video as "Judas." Video offers a male alter ego Jo Calderone, mermaid Yuyi and Lady Gaga the vintage look. Gaga originally on Twitter drifted foul words in response to leaknutí photos, but then wrote, "You must love all + every piece of me, as I do in this complex and nepochoptelné power, to be true" and added even videoklip.CNN claims that while the previous video from the album Born This Way too warmly received was not, You And I video is said to be very promising. Video "Born This Way" is in the audience on Youtube very weak, "Judas" again outraged religious symbols and "The Edge Of Glory" disappointed in the costumes and outputs - because Gaga director fired, the clip was shot with a touch of old kulisamy New York, 1970, and Gaga are wearing just one costume and revolves around just one scene. Rolling Stone Magazine wrote about the video: "'You and I' is a return to form, which causes the viewer to 8 million visual ideas ... It is a bit crowded, but nobody can say that it is restrained Gaga " American Billboard to my words Video You And I also left to themselves. Billboard says that the video offers much more than what claimed GaGa. It's definitely not just a demonstration of how Gaga goes on foot from New York to Nebraska to find her boyfriend, there's more: "Torture, sex with a mermaid, marriage, slavery in the barn, a car with ice cream, and all this, a hint of film "Children of the Corn" and religious overtones. If nothing else, "You And I" is the strangest yet representations of the state " Also, MTV, which first television odpremiéruje clip, the video expressed. With the title "The Many Faces of Lady Gaga" wrote:"This video apparently showing the torture that man experiences when he is from another loved one separated. GaGa once said:" Video "You And I" is about what it's like torture when you are far away from the man you love. I wanted the video showed me how I escape I run back and thousands of miles to get back to him. "Luc Carl inspired the song -" It was so sweet, I looked out and there were these high grain ... then suddenly you start see all the monsters pop up. I really love Nebrsku, the person for whom I wrote a song comes from this place and it is my friend from my 19 "Gago said. The video for the song begins when Gaga walking in a black dress and wires on the face and hands after a trip to Nebraska. Her legs are heavy all the way from the blood and there is a shot, how Gaga of shoes makes grain. Then comes the moment when it occurs with Gaga piano in maize and it seems that this is one of the least significant make-ups ever Gaga wore. She sits on the piano in Jo Calderone dirty shirt, black pants, sneers, and cigarette smoking. ulízne Then his greasy hair and tries to look like James Dean. GaGa looks at the next moment in a wedding dress quite happy, but then there is moment when she would tie her husband to a metal plate, it injects the needle into the neck and gives it to electrical šoky.Ve video course there is also a great dance scene, which in this case taking place in the barn, Gaga has a blue wig and, together with several dancers dancing on the dirt floor. It looks like from the "Footloose" by Tim Burton. As promised, Gaga in the video appeared in the role of a mermaid Yuyi, when we see her coming to life. The prsách, neck and face has gills and her beloved pouring water on her, as her body writhes. The clip can also see additional footage mermaids Yuyi, which is with her ​​lover, Jo plivajícího Calderon, who at the end of breaking a bottle of beer, naturally beautiful and Gaga in the cornfield and Kiss and Jo Calderon Gaga " - MTV also says that the video has Gaga shoes, with which it is impossible to walk through the corn field and walk the long way. They call the fans who still have a chance to interview Lady GaGa on her Twitter, because after the premiere on Thursday, a Gaga live MTV come into the studio and will answer questions fans in a special interview. If you have any questions either on video or at the very Gaga, write it on her Twitter and a message to let hastag # MTVGaga.

Youtube has a clip for 10 hours from the uploaded around 300 000 visitors. On the U.S. iTunes is the single "You And I" on the 53rd #

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