Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lady GaGa at Recording Studio in LA & Gaga Talks about Berlin!

Lady GaGa yesterday in Los Angeles recording studio Tonstudio visited, where, according to witnesses, the full 8 hours! Today GaGa visited the studio and there was an hour longer than yesterday. GaGa is signed immediately after the visit and took pictures with fans, who waited before studying it. What about planning? That new song on the album? But the possibilities are many. Either GaGa still working on a song with Cher's "The Greatest Thing," or recording the song "Back To Black" which was, according to recent reports record as a tribute to singer Amy Winehouse, or even recording a jazz album, which spoke a few times, and it confirmed reportedly could be out for Christmas. The collaboration with Cher's maybe not so clear, because Cher him on his Twitter indirectly said that she wanted to duet with Enya and maybe something happens and recently a duet Enya and Cher speaks, so must we see. What do you think, what we Gaga in the studio going?

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Lady GaGa think about it, that one could live in Germany. He loves Berlin and is due to culture and art, which for her is everything. "I love Berlin, I love culture and Germany are great exhibitions and museums," says the American singer to Bang Showbiz.GaGa also revealed that he has several friends who live in Germany - "I also have a wonderful picture of where I was at the Berlin Wall - I love it!"

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TV Spot, which Lady GaGa few days ago in New York she made ​​to promote the MTV Video Music Awards 2011, according to recent reports have its premiere next Thursday 18.srpna 2011th According to witnesses, there will be a lot of blood, fire and heard the song "Hooker Government" or "Heavy Metal Lover." 
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