Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heartbreaking! 14-Year-Old Lady GaGa's Fan Commits Suicide!

Unfortunately, this next report is much sadder and more serious than the preceding article on output Lady Gaga at the game in New Jersey. One of the fans of Lady Gaga this week committed suicide. Jamey Rodemeyer, who was just 14 years old, was found dead this week outside his home in Buffalo, New York. The cause of his suicide was bullying in the school that he was gay. The recently promoted the fact remain strong in any respect, and even published, it was a great inspiration for his album Lady Gaga "Born This Way," which celebrates individuality and a Gaga each song trying to say that no matter what your religion, sexuality and others because "you were born that way". Jamey was for his difference bullied very harshly, but anyone would after issuing a video which promotes anti-gay bullying, expecting to commit suicide. Unfortunately, Jamey had what for him every day at school lurked kidnapped and courage to do this. It's really terrible and it is crazy what is happening in schools and no one to do about nothing much and then it turns so that someone so young takes for sexuality or appearance, your life. Jamey week before his death on his Twitter wrote:

"I still say that I was bullied, but nobody listens to me. What can I do to make people listen to me?"

Jamey also could make it for all the strength to thank Lady Gaga and sent a few extra days, which is photographed with the album Born This Way. Before his death, also on his Facebook account to send a snippet of "The Queen" by Lady Gaga:
'Do not forget me when I come crying to heaven's door. " (Do not forget me when I cry at the door to Heaven) "

What is worst is that those who bullied him at school, so he left the room or online. Several days before his death someone on his blog wrote: "Jamie is stupid, gay, fat and ugly. He should die" . Another post read: "Nobody will care when you die. all just be happy and relieved."

Krustost some people truly knows no boundaries and it's really terrible. Yams before his death he wrote: "Nobody cares about preventing bullying in schools, while I swear to *** (slur for gay men) and destroys me"

As I wrote last message from Jamyeho concerned the fact that before his death, looking forward to my grandmother and thanked Lady Gaga. His mother Tracy, she declared: "He touched so many hearts. Nor can it really can not imagine how many people he touched. nesladší It was a favorite child. Everything would be distributed other than to think for themselves. He was against bullying. From fifth class had problems. I had had suicidal tendencies, " Tracy also said that she knew that the last years Yams faced bullying and ridicule because of his sexuality. Friends Jamyeho said that Yams also announced all school counselors, but then it was too late for a solution. Jamyeho case is by no means the only, and it's so horrible. It is a great tragedy and great loss of a young human life. Condolences to his family and loved ones.

RIP Jamey

Also, Perez Hilton is the case and are interested in one of the first fans gaga about him informed and most of it on his own twitter said Lady Gaga:

"@ Ladygaga LG, I want to draw attention to the Little Monster. Http://"

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