Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cliff Richard Wants a duet with Lady GaGa and Rihanna!

Singer Cliff Richard, who became famous for hits like "Summer Holiday" or "Devil Woman" , the latest in an interview said that he would like to sing a duet with Rihanna and Lady Gaga. Cliff seek the cooperation of these stars have long since to them longer behaves sympathy.

"Someone asked me whether I wanted to sing with Rihanna. I said to myself 'Who would not?'. Rihanna looks great, has an amazing voice, but in the case of duets is always about what is just a song. If we both liked a song, the best way would be to do a duet common. I could just say 'Well, let's do a dance song that I do not like. "Also, Lady Gaga has an amazing voice, and both are great singers. depended It would, however, whether they wish to sing with someone such as myself. I have them in America to offer, but the rest of the world I know, I think it would be possible to do duets with them, but it's not just my choice. It It would be their choice. For me it is not no problem, I've sung a lot of people ... "

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